What we provide



We pay for all of their athletic expenses until the end of high school including fees, camps, equipment, etc. We will also provide each participant at home training equipment and financial support as needed. Another program we have is GreenLight, which is a spending credit card the boys get, where they can earn cash based on good grades, participating in service projects, and showing up to games - this is a rewards program that encourages them, and teaches them money management and responsible spending habits.

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It all begins with the proper support and encouragement. We will interact and show up for these boys – at their games, taking them for “hang-outs” once a month (dinner, outing, bowling, TopGolf, professional sports games, to the barbershop, etc). Providing financial support for them to participate in football is only part of the program.


Fan Club

We will deliver consistency for these boys – “unconditional love and support” that they have lacked in their lives. We will show them a non-judgmental friendship that is reliable and will not leave them. We will commit to standing by them all the way through high school graduation. We intend to treat them like family.


Every child deserves a chance